August 10, 2017

Omarsa creates job opportunities for housewives near the processing plant

Duran.- Omarsa, in its continuing quest to create jobs, identified a new source of work by creating a sewing workshop for housewives who live close to our processing plant and become the official suppliers of the company.

The objective of the project is to provide the women housewives of the Abel Gilbert citadel in Duran, near the processing plant, a job opportunity. The project includes a training in sewing skills and the free provision of a workshop properly
equipped for the elaboration of uniforms for the company finding in this activity a source of income.

Currently 5 women are being trained and will work in the workshop making uniforms required by Omarsa. The goal of Omarsa is to close the year with 25 women working in the workshop and who can supply other neighboring plants that
require uniforms. So we invite other companies in the sector to join this initiative and replace the hiring of third parties to support the community of Duran.